Privacy Policy
Privacy Notice to Collect and Process Data
Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Dunchurch Baptist Church are the Data Controller and Sarah Coulon acts as our Data Protection Officer.
Names and contact details are held by the Church Secretary and Sarah on their personal laptops which is password protected with a backup on a hard drive and Dropbox which is also password protected. Contact details will be removed from this list once people are no longer linked to the church – unless they ask us to retain this data in our contact list as one of our 'church community'.
If consent is given, names and contact details are included in the DBC Contact List which is distributed by email to all Church Members and a few other regular attenders and also in hard copy as appropriate. We will not give copies of the DBC Contact List to anyone else. People can ask for their details to be removed at any time.
To enable DBC to provide adequate pastoral support to people and their families, our Minister, the Elders and the Pastoral Coordinator may record additional information some of which may be regarded as sensitive. This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without consent.
People have the right to ask to see any information DBC holds (including the pastoral support information) by submitting a 'Subject Access Request' to Sarah. They also have the right to ask for information which they believe to be incorrect to be rectified.
If anyone is concerned about the way information is being handled they should speak to our Data Protection Officer. If they are still unhappy they have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.
Privacy Notice to Collect and Process Data - Messy Church and Holiday Club
Dunchurch Baptist Church Messy Church/Holiday Club hold your email address in an email group which we use to communicate with you about Messy Church/Holiday Club and other DBC family events. We also hold Messy Church/Holiday Club registration forms so that we have a record of allergies/food preferences, children's ages and your contact details, as well as permission (or not) to take and display photographs at DBC/on the DBC website/on the Messy Church Facebook page/shown by powerpoint in church. The registration forms are kept securely.
We want to confirm that we do not share personal details or contact information with any third parties without your specific agreement. You may be removed from the email group at any time by sending a message to this address asking for that to happen. Registration forms may contain some information, such as allergies, which may be regarded as sensitive. This information is held for safety and will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without consent.
Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Dunchurch Baptist Church are the Data Controller and Sarah Coulon acts as our Data Protection Officer. Our compliance with the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation is expressed in the DBC Data Protection Policy. People have the right to ask to see any information DBC holds (including the pastoral support information) by submitting a 'Subject Access Request' to the Church Secretary. They also have the right to ask for information which they believe to be incorrect to be rectified. If anyone is concerned about the way information is being handled they should speak to our Data Protection Officer. If they are still unhappy they have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.